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News Release

April 14, 2023

西北社区庆祝马丁代尔大厅三楼改造完成, looks to future renovation

网上赌博网站十大排行社区周四剪彩,以纪念马丁代尔大楼三楼的第一阶段装修完成 a longer-term goal of enhancing the entire facility to strengthen partnerships and programs emanating within the School of Health Science and Wellness.

The $1.3 million remodel of Martindale Hall’s 4,260平方英尺的三层包括学术实验室空间,以支持护理, human services and school counseling programs. 它还包括办公室,将把目前居住在西北校区四座不同建筑中的教师聚集在一起.  

Left to right are Dr. Terry Long, Corey Strider, Elizabeth Motazedi, Dawson Parks和Dr. 克拉伦斯·格林星期四剪彩,庆祝马丁代尔大厅三楼装修完工. (Photos by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

Left to right are Dr. Terry Long, Corey Strider, Elizabeth Motazedi, Dawson Parks和Dr. 克拉伦斯·格林星期四剪彩,庆祝马丁代尔大厅三楼装修完工. (Photos by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

Dr. Clarence Green

Dr. Clarence Green

Elizabeth Motazedi

Elizabeth Motazedi

Corey Strider

Corey Strider

网上赌博网站十大排行网上赌博网站十大排行的使命是关注学生的成功——每一个学生, every day,” Northwest Interim President Dr. Clarence Green said. “To help us accomplish this mission, 每个研究领域都试图实现基于专业的学习机会, 有了这个新空间,健康科学与健康学院将能够实现这一目标. 这个空间将帮助网上赌博网站十大排行的学生在国家的同龄人中脱颖而出,使他们成为健康科学和健康领域的有市场的申请人.”

周四的庆祝活动是2021年12月与感兴趣的捐助者开始的对话的高潮 该大学董事会随后于2022年3月批准了该项目.

Major gifts from Mosaic Life Care and from Goppert Foundation 是否协助完成三楼的改建. Additional funding for the Martindale Hall renovation project, thus far, has come from gifts provided by Ardel Brink, Dr. Gary and LuAnn Tunell, and Seann and Christi O’Riley.

学生参议会主席Elizabeth Motazedi对为三楼翻修做出贡献的捐赠者以及承诺支持该建筑未来改建的捐赠者表示感谢. Those donors also include John Moore, 1978年网上赌博网站十大排行校友,校董会主席, who recently provided $25,000 toward the project. His gift in honor of Northwest’s Student Senate, which also is providing $25,000 to the renovation project, 是否允许在改造后的设施中命名二层学生休息室.

“This building is the result of countless hours of hard work, dedication and investment in higher education,” Motazedi said. “这是许多人的愿景,我很高兴它现在成为现实.”

Corey Strider, 1996年正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台和西北基金会董事会成员, also thanked donors and encouraged others to contribute. As vice president of The Goppert Foundation, which provided a $200,000 gift, 斯特莱德说,马丁戴尔大厦三楼的完工是一个很好的开始, but emphasized there is more work to be done.

“戈珀特基金会一直是网上赌博网站十大排行的长期支持者,这是有充分理由的,” Strider said. “事实证明,西北航空公司善于管理收到的礼物, whether it be for this project, scholarships, the Agricultural Learning Center 还有许多其他领域得到了慷慨捐助者的支持.”

He added, “Goppert基金会支持网上赌博网站十大排行,因为网上赌博网站十大排行看到毕业生拥有创造成功的知识和职业道德. 向网上赌博网站十大排行及其学生提供的财政支持是一个与众不同的因素——不仅对网上赌博网站十大排行及其现有学生,而且对网上赌博网站十大排行校友毕业后迁移到的所有社区都是如此. 他们准备成为社区的贡献成员, 我很自豪地说,这就是网上赌博网站十大排行为毕业生建立的文化.”

Dawson Parks

Dawson Parks

Dr. Terry Long

Dr. Terry Long

道森帕克斯是健康科学与健康学院对学生产生影响的一个例子. 作为一名以运动科学为重点的应用健康科学专业的大四学生, 他计划在完成网上赌博网站十大排行的学业后就读脊椎按摩学校,并强调了改建后的马丁代尔大厅将提供的机会.

“这个项目将增加网上赌博网站十大排行学生利用专业经验的机会,让他们在学习中成长,” Parks said. “这样做的重要性在于,让贝尔卡特斯在网上赌博网站十大排行毕业后为未来做好准备,并在获得学位之前获得专业经验。.”

In providing his gratitude to supporters of the project, Dr. Terry Long, 网上赌博网站十大排行健康科学与健康学院院长, thanked donors as well as design and construction partners, including Herner Construction Inc. 以及RTM工程顾问公司,感谢他们对项目的承诺.  

“令人惊讶的是,这个项目完成得如此之快,几乎没有中断,除了外面可能有围栏,” Long said. “All of those folks deserve some credit, and I’m going to thank you now, 我要感谢你们将来为网上赌博网站十大排行所做的工作.”

<a href=''>网上赌博网站十大排行</a>正在为马丁代尔大厅的翻新筹集资金,这将改变建筑的面貌,并更好地将学术课程与行业需求和劳动力需求结合起来.


When complete, the renovation of Martindale Hall, which opened in 1926 and was last remodeled in the 1970s, 将帮助网上赌博网站十大排行和健康科学与健康学院更好地将学术课程与行业需求和劳动力需求结合起来. Additionally, 网上赌博网站十大排行希望在招聘对医疗保健领域的职业感兴趣的优质学生方面提高其竞争优势,同时加强与健康科学和健康相关的区域伙伴关系.

The Missouri General Assembly approved $8.在1700万美元的总项目成本中,西北航空公司需要筹集额外的8美元.5 million by December 2024.

To make a gift to support Northwest, including Martindale Hall, contact the Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or visit


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215