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News Release

Jan. 12, 2023


Updated: Feb. 28, 2023


Launched in 2003, 职业道路会议的特色活动和研讨会由西北工作人员和其他专家谁分享他们的知识和经验相关的主题,包括健康, violence prevention, career preparedness, handling conflict and workplace culture.

而职业道路为西北教职员工提供了专业发展机会, 该项目为参与的学生员工提供了发展劳动力技能的机会,并为他们的出勤获得加薪.

“We are fortunate to have such great presenters this semester, 提供有关个人和专业主题的见解,不仅为网上赌博网站十大排行的学生员工未来的职业生涯做好准备,而且也适用于他们目前的职位和课堂,” Northwest Coordinator of Student Employment Paula McLain said.

More information about fall Career Pathing opportunities is provided below.

Students may register online at, unless an alternate registration link is provided below.

Northwest staff and faculty may register online at, unless an alternate registration link is provided below.

Nikita- Alimohammad


Nikita Alimohammad, 西北健康服务中心的健康教育和预防副主任

For Northwest employees, these sessions are 3-5 p.m. Monday, Jan. 30, and Tuesday, Jan. 31, in the Student Union Boardroom. Participants must attend both sessions.

For Northwest students, these sessions are 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, in the Student Union Ballroom; Tuesday, March 21, in The Station; and Sunday, April 2, in the Student Union Ballroom. Students may attend any one session but must attend the four-hour training in its entirety; attendance counts for three Career Pathing sessions.

Click here to register; attendance counts for three Career Pathing sessions.

“回应”旨在教校园社区如何认识和应对心理健康问题. 内容包括对大学校园心理健康问题的简要概述, discussion about stigma and culture, an overview of signs associated with mental health problems. 课程的其余部分将集中在如何有效地用基本的倾听和同理心做出回应, risk assessment at the lay level, support, referral, and taking care of self, including appropriate boundaries based on role or personal preference.

rebecca lobina

Propel your career to the next level with microcredentials

Rebecca Lobina, 继续专业教育主任和西北SBDC区域主任

These sessions are 60 minutes and begin at 9 a.m., noon or 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6, in the Student Union Boardroom.

微证书是对你所在行业技能和专业知识的基于能力的认可. No matter your chosen career field, 微证书为你的知识提供了证据,让你比那些没有这些证书的人领先一步. 网上赌博网站十大排行提供的培训几乎涵盖了所有职业.

网上赌博网站十大排行的学生和员工将了解多种类型的微证书,以及如何最好地利用它们来获得晋升, career advancement, skill recognition and job placement.

Cam Awesome

Intent vs. impact

Cam F. Awesome, Awesome Talks, LLC

These sessions are 60 minutes and begin at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Monday, March 20, in the Student Union Boardroom.


Attendees will define and develop a common language to better understand “culture;” learn to identify the difference between intent and impact; engage in conversations with peers from different cultural backgrounds; develop the ability to identify and address “microaggressions;” non-offensively acknowledge, embrace and celebrate cultural differences; develop an awareness of how different cultures can impact daily interactions and build confidence through communication.

Mocktail party

Northwest Missouri State Career Services

For students only, this event is 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22, in the Student Union Boardroom. Pre-registration is required; this event counts as two Career Pathing sessions.

Everyone loves a party, 但是你知道如何在享受派对的同时,真正地在房间里工作和扩展你的网络吗? In this interactive session, 就业服务中心的工作人员会告诉学生们专业交际的注意事项,以及如何给人留下良好的第一印象, network and build relationships. 

Rhonda Travers

Communicate to connect in today's world

Rhonda Travers, Travers Training and Consulting

These sessions are 60 minutes and begin at 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 14, in the Student Union Boardroom.

Do you feel misunderstood in meetings? Or do you send multiple requests for responses? 当你收到回复时,他们并没有回答你最初的问题? 在今天的环境中,无效的沟通代价高昂,而且会影响你想要的结果.

特拉弗斯将帮助与会者认识到当今混乱的环境对沟通的影响, understand four critical communication styles, 发现基于沟通风格创建协作对话的方法, 并学习有效的电子和书面沟通的关键框架,以最大限度地提高参与度并取得成果.


Understanding your rights as a worker in Missouri and beyond

Northwest Missouri State Career Services

For students only, these sessions are 60 minutes and begin at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Thursday, April 6, in the Student Union Boardroom.

As students graduate from Northwest and enter the professional workforce, there are many things they might not be aware of, 包括雇主可以要求员工做什么,不可以要求员工做什么以及员工的权利. In this session, 职业服务将概述密苏里州和联邦一级的工人权利.

Brett Hoogeveen

Stars vs. vacuums: The not-so-subtle secret to personal and professional success

Brett Hoogeveen, MindSet, LLC

These sessions are 60 minutes and begin at 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 19, in the Student Union Ballroom.

At work and in life, 无形的因素极大地影响着一个人获得成功和幸福的几率. 通过十多年来与成功的企业高管进行领导力发展和咨询工作的研究, 胡奇文和他的公司编制了一份清单,列出了成功人士用来提升自己和周围人的20个特点. 他们还发现了负面影响者在不知不觉中表现出来的态度和行为,这些态度和行为破坏了他们自己和周围的人的成功.

这个互动式工作坊将挑战每一位参加者,让他们发现自己如何践行成功的20条原则,以及如何实现更大的个人成就, professional, and team success.



Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215