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News Release

Oct. 9, 2022


The sound of a helicopter echoed Friday afternoon over Mozingo Outdoor Education Recreation Area 与此同时,一辆闪烁着灯光的救护车在现场来回移动,在这里,一场模拟的自然灾害造成数十名受害者受伤和困惑.

The scene played multiple times throughout the weekend, 有一批急救人员和应急管理人员照顾受害者, 网上赌博网站十大排行举办了一年一度的密苏里希望应急现场训练演习.

学生作为第一响应者协助志愿者描绘密苏里州霍普自然灾害的受害者. (Northwest Missouri State University photos)

学生作为第一响应者协助志愿者描绘密苏里州霍普自然灾害的受害者. (Northwest Missouri State University photos)

而灾难模拟则教给参与者与任务相关的技能,比如搜索和救援, 急救和事故指挥系统-他们还建立与领导有关的过程技能, active followership and building highly effective teams.

“因为你在一个团队中,你在一个非常高压的环境中轮流担任领导职务, 许多学生说这是一个改变人生的事件,因为技术技能很好, 但人们——尤其是那些认为自己无法领导的人——突然发现,他们的余生都被赋予了权力,” said Dr. Mark Corson, a professor of geography and U.S. Army veteran who helps coordinate the exercise.

Sydney McQuinn, a nursing student at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, 周五,在密苏里霍普的模拟灾难中,指挥着第一反应小组.

Sydney McQuinn, a nursing student at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, 周五,在密苏里霍普的模拟灾难中,指挥着第一反应小组.

During Friday afternoon’s rotation, Sydney McQuinn, a nursing student at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, 指挥官是否负责监督对虚构的雷登村受害者的反应和救援. There, 第一批救援人员发现受害者被困在受损的建筑物和翻倒的公共汽车内,受伤的人躺在成堆的混凝土中. 受害者身上有割伤和刺穿等伤.

“The priority was really finding out who was able to save, who was too late, and what we can do until transport gets here, especially when there’s not a whole lot of resources,一轮模拟结束后,McQuinn喘着气说道. McQuinn, who aspires to work in the trauma field, said the role was a good learning experience for her. “It was hard for me not to be hands-on because I wanted to, 但我的任务是确保有组织,确保我随时可以得到帮助, if we needed resources.”

She added, “I had no idea what I was coming into. At first it was like, I don’t know what to expect, but within the first half day I’m being challenged already. 不像在学校,他们会给你示范,然后牵着你的手做. 更像是,网上赌博网站十大排行要强迫你出去然后一路帮你. I think that’s what we really need.”

Elsewhere, at MOERA’s ropes challenge course, Chris Meizanis, a Northwest junior emergency and disaster major from Flemington, New Jersey, worked with a group of students practicing a high-angle rescue. Meizanis, who is working toward a career in emergency management planning, participated in Missouri Hope for the first time this fall.

“You will not get an experience like this really anywhere, and that’s the main reason why I came out here, for hands-on experiences like this,” he said.



Since its first year in 2013, 密苏里希望已经发展并扩展为为期三天的多学科大规模伤亡培训经验,这是西北地区的学生在密苏里州学习专业或未成年人的必修课 emergency disaster management (EDM). 

该活动包括为学生和医疗急救人员轮流进行不同的训练练习, police, fire and armed forces. Scenarios include search-and-rescue, 评估创伤和从困难地形撤离, such as cliffs and rivers. 大堪萨斯城医疗预备队(Medical Reserve Corps of Greater Kansas City)也参加了今年的演习,并领导了一次夜间搜救模拟演习.



While around 60 students participated in the exercise, 另外60名志愿者作为工作人员整个周末都在工作. Additionally, 185名不同年龄的志愿者扮演了受害者的角色,给培训带来了真实感. 这些角色扮演者被化装成洪水和龙卷风中遭受各种身体伤害的受害者.

Additionally, 在紧急和灾难领域工作的正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台每年都会回到玛丽维尔协助密苏里希望. The alumni assisting this fall included Morgan Hunter, 他获得了应急和灾害管理学士学位,现在是约翰逊县的应急管理规划师, Kansas, Emergency Management. 亨特曾三次作为本科生参加密苏里希望大学,第二次作为校友返回.



“密苏里希望是一个很好的例子,当人们想要奉献自己的时间和经验时,会发生什么,” Hunter said. “The things that I see people learn when I am here are astounding. 一个学生会去学习一些课程,也许不太适合. 但后来他们来到了密苏里霍普,就像翻转了一样.”

密苏里希望每年秋天由西北人道主义服务和教育联盟赞助, 这是一个非营利组织,为灾难应对和人道主义救援领域的个人协调完全沉浸式体验. Partner agencies include Maryville Public Safety, Nodaway and Buchanan County Emergency Management, Nodaway County Ambulance District, LifeFlight and LifeNet Air Ambulances, SEMA Region H Marine Hazmat Team, 密苏里国民警卫队第129野战炮兵营和密苏里国民警卫队第139空运联队. 这项活动也吸引了来自全国各地高校的学生, 包括今年来自纽约奥尔巴尼大学和亚特兰大的学生.

MOERA是一个320英亩的地块,位于莫辛哥湖休闲公园, located east of Maryville on Highway 46. MOERA由西北健康科学与健康学院运营,提供各种户外教育和娱乐机会, including a challenge course, trap shooting and archery, canoes and kayaks, and outdoor research areas.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215