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9月. 27, 2022

Students gain academic, international experiences through summer study abroad programs


Seven 网上赌博网站十大排行 students took their education internationally during their summer study abroad and internship programs.

The summer abroad programs ranged from a few weeks to a few months and gave students cultural experiences in 爱尔兰, 西班牙, 韩国和新加坡. With advisement from faculty Northwest’s Study Abroad Office, the students tackled the challenging and rewarding benefits of studying abroad.



For more information about studying abroad, contact the study abroad office at studyab@plunkocity.com or 660.562.1367.



Swaerd, 来自奥斯陆国际商务专业的大四学生, 挪威, took two four-week-long courses at Singapore Management University to gain knowledge and experience in business. Though studying abroad is required for her major, she has always enjoyed traveling and taking in experiences that are new to her.

“来自欧洲, it’s a lot easier to travel around to different countries, and then I really enjoyed the challenges of moving (to Northwest) my freshman year,斯瓦德说. “When I picked my major, that was also a deciding factor that I got to study abroad for it.”

Swaerd wanted to study in Singapore her freshman year but was disappointed to learn Northwest did not offer a program there at the time. When she visited Northwest’s study abroad fair last year, 然而, she connected with an organization that offered a summer program in Singapore. 

“I was able to build a network across five different continents, and through this network I’ve gained new perspectives on not just business and work but life in general as well,斯瓦德说. “Getting to know people who come from such diverse backgrounds helped me reflect on my own background as well, and I have a better appreciation of our global world.”





时常要, a senior criminology and Spanish major from Omaha, 内布拉斯加州, 在巴塞罗那呆了七个星期, 西班牙, 以促进他的西班牙语学习.

“My entire world view has shifted incredibly,” 时常要 said. “I got to meet and know many Spanish natives along with the surrounding history and architecture of 西班牙.”

时常要 had been searching for an internship but jumped at the opportunity to travel across the Atlantic Ocean to study the Spanish language and culture. He encourages future study abroad students to explore their interests abroad.

“The world is so large, and it is never all at once asleep,” 时常要 said. “So many individual lives with individual dreams exist, and I cannot comprehend that much human sentience. 地球是美丽的,应该去探索.”





海莉Mentz, who earned a bachelor’s degree in international business and marketing at Northwest and is now working toward her master’s in business management, had never been on a plane until her summer abroad. 然而,, 梅斯维尔人, 密苏里州, 我选择在都柏林实习两个月, 爱尔兰, to gain more experience for her career and future travels.

“Getting work experience and my internship was really nice,门茨说. “It made me want to work internationally and live internationally. It opened my mind up to realize there are opportunities to do that. I never would have known, coming from such a small town, that was even a possibility for me.”

门茨曾在一家数字营销公司实习, 升级, 她写博客的地方, helped with client photoshoots and created content calendars for clients. She felt prepared for her internship from previous work with Knacktive, an advanced elective course at Northwest that replicates the creative demands and the team-based atmosphere of a professional, technology-oriented marketing and communication agency.

“My Knacktive team worked together to completely rebrand a company and then presented it to their board of directors,门茨说. “I did almost the exact same thing while I was in Dublin. Having that real-world experience in working with the different departments and seeing how everyone’s work comes together to create content really helped me be more versatile throughout my internship.”





詹娜DeLaRosa, 来自奥马哈的戏剧表演专业大四学生, 内布拉斯加州, 在首尔呆了一个月, 韩国, studying the Korean language as well as learning traditional fan dancing and K-Pop dancing. DeLaRosa always knew they wanted to study abroad, but a newfound love for Korean culture led them to choose a program in 韩国.

“It was really nice to go to another country,德拉罗萨说. “I’ve been studying about Korea for a while, and seeing it all in person was really nice. It was cool going to different sightseeing spots and learning about the culture more hands-on than just through the internet.”

通过参加暑期海外项目, DeLaRosa sought to reap the rewards of being immersed in another culture for a few weeks.

“It definitely helps you have a broader view on the world and know that the way we do things here isn’t necessarily how things are done in other places,德拉罗萨说. “It helps with a better understanding of other cultures.”


Dr. 马克Hornickel

