A-Z Index

Elizabeth Dimmitt



2370 Colden Hall



Joined Northwest in 2008



  • MS in Counseling Psychology
  • BS in Psychology and Sociology

Courses Taught

  • 08-223 Abnormal Psychology
  • 08-323 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
  • 08-383 Psychology of Aging
  • 08-438 Principles of Counseling
  • 08-401 Psychology of Childhood Creativity and Imagination
  • 08-401 Psychology of Childhood Greif and Loss

Academic Interests

  • Impact of Study Abroad experiences for college students
  • Impact of nature on well-being
  • Stigma reduction
  • Family response to miscarriage
  • Creative therapeutic techniques
  • Interactive learning in the college setting
  • Parent-Child Book Reading Practices
  • Elderly therapeutic interventions
  • Suicide prevention

Scholarly Activity

  • 克莱恩,K. D., Hiatt, R., & Dimmitt, E. (in press). The development of the Perceptions of Childhood Scale. Journal of Research in Childhood 教育.
  • 克莱恩,K. D., Dimmitt, E. & 江恩,M. (2022). 出生前的书籍:母亲在子宫内给婴儿读书的定性多重案例研究. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 1–14.
  • 克莱恩,K. D., Dimmitt, E., & 西格,V. (2022). 通过衣橱的门:一个定性的案例研究的短期海外学习项目的启发C.S. Lewis Trail in Ireland. Irish Journal of Academic Practice, 10(2), Article 9. 
  • 克莱恩,K. D., Patet, P., Dimmitt, E., & 火花,B. (2021). Perceptions about children, 童年, 和教学:儿童文学作为初级教育学生的启动事件. IALS Journal, 9(1), 13-24.
  • Sterling, L. & Dimmitt, E., (2009). Crisis on the court: The psychological pain of career-ending injuries. The Counseling Interviewer

Selected Conference Presentations:

  • 克莱恩,K. D., Dimmitt, E., & 江恩,M. (2023, May). 出生前的书籍:母亲在子宫内给婴儿读书的定性多重案例研究. 在华盛顿举行的心理科学协会会议上展示的海报.C.  Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • 克莱恩,K.D., Hiatt, R., & Dimmitt, E. (2022, April). 儿童期认知量表:发展与游戏认知的关联. 儿童发展研究学会专题会议“透过游戏和想像学习:拓展圣. Louis, MO. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • 克莱恩,K.D. & Dimmitt, E. (2019, March). 儿童文学作为教育专业学生观点启动事件的混合方法研究. 海报会议将在巴尔的摩儿童发展研究协会两年一次的会议上提出, MD. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • 克莱恩,K. D., Wingrove, T., & Dimmitt, E. (2017, April). 亲子阅读频率对幼儿学习行为的影响:父母信心的调节作用. 在奥斯丁儿童发展研究协会两年一次的会议上展示的海报, TX. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E., Madsen, L., Passiglia, A., Bearinger, P., (2019, March). Woodstock, Warhol, and Waltzing: Creative interventions with the Elderly.  一场针对持牌专业咨询师的演讲,以证据为基础的技术来提高认知健康, physical health, and providing coping mechanisms to deal with life. 在密苏里州堪萨斯城举行的美国咨询协会年度会议上发表. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E., Madsen, L., Bundy, C., Henggler, H., Turpin, A., (2018, March). Earth, Wind, and Fire: Incorporating nature in the counseling relationship. 为持牌专业咨询师介绍生态疗法和在咨询过程中使用自然的好处. 在密苏里州坦塔拉举行的美国咨询协会年度会议上发表. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E., Madsen, L., McNear, H., Chapple, C.巴克,L., (2017, March).  霍格沃茨, 全息图, and Hippos in Honey: The clinical use of magical thinking, creativity, and imagination in the counseling setting.  向受过教育的持牌专业咨询师介绍想象力和创造力在咨询中的好处以及使用的具体策略.  在密苏里州坦塔拉举行的美国咨询协会年度会议上发表. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E. (2017, April). Your Story Matters. Keynote presentation to educate nurses, social workers, in-patient residents, 并让消费者了解如何以及为什么要以一种敏感而有影响力的方式分享他们的故事.  在西北精神康复中心尊重日会议上的演讲. Joseph, MO.
  • 克莱恩,K. D., Dimmitt, E., & Wingrove, T. (2015, November). 探讨幼儿亲子共享阅读方式与幼儿学习行为. 在佛罗里达州奥兰多市全国幼儿教育协会举办的海报会议. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E., & Biesemeyer, D. (2015, April). Unplug and Reconnect. 向教育专业咨询师介绍技术对文化的影响及其对咨询环境的影响. 在密苏里州杰弗逊举行的美国咨询协会年度会议上发表. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E., & Bradford, E. (2014, November) 与欺凌作斗争:制定在学校环境中与欺凌作斗争的实用策略. 一场演讲,教育学校辅导员在学校环境中的欺凌行为,并利用有效的策略与欺凌的幸存者和肇事者一起工作.  在密苏里州学校辅导员协会年度会议上,密苏里州奥塞奇海滩. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt E., & Richmond E., & Jacobson, C. (2014, March). DSM-5: The new frontier. 向受过教育的持牌专业咨询师介绍新诊断统计手册中诊断标准和程序的主要变化.  在密苏里州杰弗逊市美国咨询协会年度会议上发表. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E., Bradford, E. Whitman, M. & Arrandale, B. (2014, March). Sticks and Stones & Snapchats: Counseling this generations’ bullies and the bullied. 向持牌专业咨询师介绍识别和治疗与欺凌行为有关的心理健康问题的有效帮助技术.  在密苏里州杰弗逊城举行的美国咨询协会年度会议上发表. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E., Gilland, B., Durham D., Wakefield, B., & Olberding, H. (2014, March). Tweet this: Learning the language, 道德, boundaries, and impact of social media in the counseling setting.  向教育许可专业咨询师介绍在咨询行业中使用社交媒体时的有效道德考虑. 在密苏里州杰弗逊城举行的美国咨询协会年度会议上发表. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E., Mitchell, M., Clark, C., Clark, B., Richmond, E., Jimenez, J., Benshoof, B., & Guittierez, A. (2013, April). Battle Buddies: Cultural Considerations when Counseling Military Families. 一场演讲,教育有执照的专业咨询师在咨询环境中如何有效地帮助军人家庭. 在密苏里州杰弗逊城举行的美国咨询协会年度会议上发表. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Francis, A.L., Sterling, L. Dimmitt, E., (2012, October). 学生的社会、情感和行为健康:对合作学习的影响. Presentation at the 42nd 国际探索教与学学会年会,德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E. & O’Keefe, S. (2012). 应对反抗:改善亲子关系的研究与适用策略. Presented at the Missouri American Counselor Association Annual Conference. 向教育顾问介绍如何有效地帮助处理叛逆儿童的家庭. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E., Palmer, A., Jones, S., Swihart, H., Okeefe, S., Mauzy, K., Jimenez, J., Clark, C. (2011).  无声的痛苦:发展理解和适用的应对技巧,用于流产失去孩子的家庭. 向教育顾问介绍如何有效地帮助流产家庭. Presented at the Missouri American Counselors Association Annual Conference.  Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 
  • Dimmitt, E. & 梅尔,N. (2010). 处理愤怒:发展适用于儿童和青少年的积极应对技能. 一场教育咨询师如何有效治疗与愤怒作斗争的儿童的演讲. Presented at the Missouri American Counselors Association Annual Conference. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University.
  • Dimmitt, E. & Sterling, L. (2009). Remembering Recess: The Benefits of Re-Learning How To Play. A presentation to educate school counselors about productive, therapeutic, and fun means of interacting with children of all ages. Presented at Missouri School Counselor Association Annual Conference. Sponsored by Northwest Missouri State University. 

Student Group Advisement

  • Behavioral Sciences Association
  • Wesley Foundation
  • Northwest Dance Company

其他 Professional Experiences

  • President of Compass Counseling Center, Inc.
  • Trained Doula
  • Certified Birth Educator
  • Certified Ecotherapist
  • Past President of American Counseling Association of Missouri
  • Military and Family Life Consultant
  • Pastoral Care provider for Skidmore UMC


Volunteer and Service

  • Mental Health Task Force
  • Project Rachel Consultant


  • Painting/drawing
  • 跳舞
  • Jewelry making